Friday, January 14, 2011

Are Senior Projects Really Beneficial?

By: Tabitha Scott
Many students say senior projects are a waste of time. The question is: Are those students right?
There really isn’t a simple answer to that question.  The truth is that it all depends on the individual student and how serious they take their senior project.  If they choose something challenging, the student can learn so much about the career they explore. They may even learn enough to decide if they actually want to pursue that career after graduating. On the other hand, if the student chooses something easy, they likely won’t learn anything and the entire project is a waste of their time and the adults that volunteer time to help.
Why Are They Helpful?
            Actually, senior projects are a great help for students that take their education and future serious. A senior project helps the senior decide if they want to go into the career they chose for their project. Rather than taking a year or more in college to decide they aren’t interested in a certain career, senior projects can help streamline the process, and save students time and money. Senior projects help make important decision before spending thousands on a career students may not really be interested in.
The Fun of the Product
            Creating the product is the best part of the whole project. This is where you get to actually experience what you would do in the career. For example, my career was commercial art and I painted a mural as my product. This was a great experience for me because I had never painted a mural before. It reinforced my beliefs that art is a major interest for me and pursuing a career in commercial art would be enjoyable.
Why Are They Important?
We are one of the only schools that have senior projects. Senior projects set this school and students apart from others.  This opportunity is a great chance for students to experience something other students can’t. These projects provide insight on careers that can’t be obtained without hands-on experiences.

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