Friday, September 17, 2010

Cheerleaders Stepping Up Game This Year

By: Tabitha Scott and Chance Hamilton

           Candace and Dylan both are expecting to see improvement in the team this year. With several new members participating this year, the team expects significant improvements and hopes to step up their game. With new members of the team they hope to improve. Freshman Madison Roberts is one of the new members that stand out to Candace. “She really is giving her all.” She said.
          With 2010-2011 as Candace’s and Dylan’s last year they hope to see more school spirit. “Overall the team hopes to get more people involved in pep rallies and sport events.” She said. Dylan also hopes to get the school more involved.
           The team captains did disagree on the impact of having young team members this year. “We have better work ethic and more motivation this year.” Candace said while smiling. She defiantly thinks the team is in a lot better standing than last year. She said the team attended cheer camp at WKU this summer and had continuous practices throughout the break to maintain the team’s skills. Dylan felt the experience of last year’s team will be hard to replace. “Losing the seniors pretty much messed up everything.” He said. Dylan hopes that they can recover from such a loss.
        Candace and Dylan have big goals this year because it’s their last opportunity to represent HCHS. They both hope to make it to the state meet. The cheerleading team has never made it beyond region and they both hope that this year’s team is the first to make it above region.
  With this football season coming up Dylan and Candace both agree that there is a lot of work to do. Candace said, “I always give 110% but, it being my last year I’m defiantly going to give my all.”

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